
In groundhog since v0.1.1


My awesome custom tag

<span class="tag">
  My awesome custom tag
  <button class="tag__delete">Delete</button>

Key: Value Key: Value

<span tabindex="1" class="tag">
  <span class="tag__key">Key:</span>

<a href=# class="tag">
  <span class="tag__key">Key:</span>

<button class="tag">
  <span class="tag__key">Key:</span>


<a href=# class="tag tag--interactive">Value</a>
<button class="tag tag--interactive">Value</button>



The Groundhog tag is a visual block representing custom identifications. The tag component can hold text or text-delete-button combination. This text can also represent a key-value-pair. The interactive tag is clickable and can be used as a filter.

Tag versions

The Groundhog tag appears in a two versions:

Including a tag

  1. To include a Groundhog tag add either an <a> (anchor/link), <span> or an <button> element. Include the necessary text content.
    <a href="#">This is a tag</a>
  2. Add the necessary Groundhog classes to the elements class attribute.
    <a href="#" class="tag">This is a tag</a>
  3. The tag is ready to use


When including a tag element with a <span>, make sure that you at least include the tagindex attribute to the element.

Using the delete icon with tags

To use a tag with a delete button, you need to add a button to the tab component. You can find the code to use an button within a tag here.

Available classes for button

class name effect
.tag Base class for the tag element
.tag--interactive Clickable tag