
In groundhog since v5.2.0


January 2018
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

<div id="datepicker" class="datepicker">
  <button data-target="#datepicker" class="btn btn--datepicker">
    <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
        <use xlink:href="#clock"></use>
    Jan 01, 2018
  <div class="datepicker__calendar">
    <div class="datepicker__month">
      <button class="btn btn--datepicker__selectMonth">
        <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
          <use xlink:href="#arrow-left"></use>
      <span>January 2018</span>
      <button class="btn btn--datepicker__selectMonth">
        <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
          <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use>
          <td><button disabled>30</button></td>
          <td><button disabled>31</button></td> 
          <td><button class="btn--selected">1</button></td>
          <td><button disabled>1</button></td>
          <td><button disabled>2</button></td>



The Groundhog datepicker component consists of a button that triggers a visual block representing selectable dates. It uses the icon component.

Including the datepicker component

  1. To include a datepicker component into your project, first create the html structure according to the example:

     <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
       <use xlink:href="#clock"></use>
    Jan 01, 2018
         <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
           <use xlink:href="#arrow-left"></use>
       <span>January 2018</span>
         <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
           <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use>
           <td><button disabled>30</button></td>
           <td><button disabled>31</button></td> 
           <td><button class="btn--selected">1</button></td>
  2. To add the visual enhancements of Groundhog, add the necessary classes to the elements' class attributes.

    <div class="datepicker">
    <button class="btn btn--datepicker">
     Jan 01, 2018
    <div class="datepicker__calendar">
     <div class="datepicker__month">
       <button class="btn btn--datepicker__selectMonth">
         <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
           <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use>
       <button class="btn btn--datepicker__selectMonth">
         <svg role="img" class="icon icon--small">
           <use xlink:href="#arrow-right"></use>
  3. To make the calendar expandable add the data-target and the appropriate id elements.

    <div id="datepicker" class="datepicker">
    <button data-target="#datepicker" class="btn btn--datepicker">
  4. Highlight the currently selected date by adding the btn--selected class to the elements class attributes.

  5. Set the disabled state for dates that are not part of the currently shown month.

Additional attributes for the datepicker

attribute name effect
datepicker Sets the basic styles for the datepicker
btn--datepicker Enhances the button style like in the examples
datepicker__calendar Will set the styling for the calendar overlay
datepicker__month Will enhance the styling of the month, previous and next buttons in the calendar
btn--datepicker__selectMonth Enhances the styling of the next/previous buttons
btn--selected Shows which date is currently selected
disabled Disabled state for date buttons that are not in the currently selected month